Israeliska superhjältar
History: Sabraman was given his super powers by the superagency of Israel. In 1975 that agency implanted atomic rod in the chests of 28 super agents, giving each one powers far beyond normal men.
Enemy: Dr.Mengele
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Sabraman låter lite som Abraham eller inbillade jag mig nu...
Såg att Batman i nästa film ska ta sig an Usama bin-Ladin och hans onda posse. Det l'r bli livat, frågan är vem som ska spela bin-Ladin. Joaquin Phoenix är mitt stående tips.
crrly: Såhär säger wikipedia:
"Sabra (צבר) is the word used to describe a Jew born in the Land of Israel. The word is derived from the Hebrew word, tzabar, the name of the "prickly pear" cactus (also known as the "cactus pear"), Opuntia ficus-indica. The allusion is to a tenacious thorny desert plant with a thick hide that conceals a sweet softer interior."
magnus: Peter Stormare!
Haha. Jaså minsann.
ricknkph -- Nä, prickly var det!
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