External Blogs
We support cross-posting to blogs running Blogger, MovableType, TypePad, WordPress, WordPress.com, Drupal (if you install the special blogging API module), Expression Engine, MSN Spaces and more.
Internet Archive
If you wish, blip.tv can upload the files you share to the Internet Archive on your behalf. Content uploaded to the Internet Archive must be licensed under a Creative Commons license or released into the public domain and must be approved by a human moderator. Uploading to the Internet Archive can take up to 36 hours.
Share your del.icio.us login information to gain access to automatic bookmarking and tag suggestions.
We can send your video thumbnails to your Flickr account automatically and offer you tagging suggestions based on the tags you've used in your Flickr account.
Auto Cross posting
You can select a list of blogs to automatically cross-post to if you post using non-interactive methods like FTP, Windows Movie Maker or cell phone.
Every show in blip.tv is already set up as a podcast. Even yours. You should take advantage of this by submitting your show to the iTunes Podcast Directory.
You can create a cool slide show like this one at slide. Just click the link below and you will add your blip.tv feed to slide.
It's easy to include a bunch of your blip.tv videos in your blog or other Web site. All you have to do is copy and paste a little HTML.
blip.tv and Akimbo Systems have partnered to bring the best independent videoblogs, video podcasts and Internet television shows straight to the television via Akimbo's innovative Internet video on demand system.
Yahoo! Video
blip.tv can automatically send your videos to Yahoo! Video for inclusion in their destination site and search engine. Your videos will appear as your own channel, using the show information you've entered on blip.tv.
AOL Video
blip.tv can automatically send your videos to AOL Video for inclusion in their destination site and search engine. Your videos will appear as your own channel, using the show information you've entered on blip.tv.
blip.tv can automatically send your videos to MeeVee for inclusion in their destination site and search engine. Your videos will appear within your own channel, using the show information you've entered on blip.tv.
blip.tv can automatically send your videos to Blinkx for inclusion in their destination site and search engine. Your videos will appear within your own channel, using the show information you've entered on blip.tv.
Det finns helt klart en massa anledningar till att gå över till blip, tycker jag. Dessutom tar blip inte bara videos, utan mp3:or också.
Andra bloggar om: media, video, mp3, blip
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