tisdag, januari 15, 2008

Horus - Huset - Näktergal

"Egyptian astrology: your sign is Horus"

Det lät ju inget vidare, men så är det för oss som är födda i augusti 1964 (och möjligen hela det året). Dessutom tycks mitt aztekiska tecken vara ... "Huset". Ännu knasigare. Med ledning av dessa båda grejer kunde man ju tro att jag föddes i ett horhus.

Nåja, det och en massa andra grejor - som till exempel vilka skivor som kom ut det året, och hur månen stod just den dagen - får man reda på härinne.

Vill man istället förslösa sin tid på något helt annat kan man gå hit och höra det man skriver, till exempel sitt namn - sjunget av en näktergal.
Läs även andra bloggares åsikter om , ,

2 kommentarer:

Nihonshu sa...

Info om egyptiska tecken:
With Horus, the politics of justice take shape in the mythical world of the ancient Egyptians. This vengeful god, son of Isis and Osiris, entered into legendary combat with Seth.

Aided by partisans loyal to his father, Horus conquered the invaded kingdom and, during the struggle, over-powered Seth in Nubia wich made him the first sovereign god of the greater unified Egypt. We see him still fighting, helped by his great love for justice.

During the battle with Seth, the stregth of Horus gave rise to the history of magnificent sovereings and of the power and protection derived from the gaze of "Udjat", the magic eye, plucked from Osiris and taken by Horus.

This bird-god possesses to a supreme degree the virtues of enlightment and peace with wich he renews the vital fluids of that which is desiccated or congealed.

Those born under the sign of Horus make their way in the world with a fierce will. Their intelligence and breatdh of learning make them appear capable of understanding and uncovering everything.

They must mater their rebellious spirit early, before their eagerness to dominate makes them opportunists. Their deep psychic ability is balanced between an appreciation of the paternal virility and that which is contributed by mothers and wives.


stationsvakt@gmail.com sa...

nihon: Sedär, hämndgirig och dan. :-)