The record features Bush re-recording elements of songs from two of her previous solo albums, 1989's The Sensual World and 1993's The Red Shoes, while "keeping the best musical performances of each song," according to a press release.
The record will be released digitally, on CD in a case-bound book, as part of a three-CD package that will include Director's Cut, The Sensual World, and the remastered The Red Shoes in a case-bound book, and a double vinyl edition. A reworked take on The Sensual World's "Deeper Understanding" will be released in April. The press release also notes that "Kate is currently working on new material although no release date has been set for this."

Ja faktiskt, både TSW (The Sensual World) och TRS (The Red Shoes) kan behöva varsina genomkörare, det har jag alltid ansett. Jag vet inte vad det kallas – produktion kanske – det man gör när man liksom förser musik med ett “sound” i en skivstudio, men vad det nu kallas så är både TSW och TRS alldeles för grötiga och jämntjocka i sin framtoning.
Och det sista i citatet gillar man ju: “Kate is currently working on new material….”.
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