Via Bibi's box: Gode Cookery. Gode Cookery är en sida där man (bl.a) kan hitta smarriga recept från medeltiden t.o.m renässansen. På 1400-talet kanske "Bryndons" (småkakor i vinsås) var något att ha till efterrätt:
Take Wyn, & putte in a potte, an clarifyd hony, an Saunderys, pepir, Safroun, Clowes, Maces, & Quybibys, & mynced Datys, Pynys and Roysonys of Corauns, & a lytil Vynegre, & sethe it on þe fyre; an sethe fygys in Wyne, & grynde hem, & draw hem þorw a straynoure, & caste þer-to, an lete hem boyle alle to-gederys; þan take fayre flowre, Safroun, Sugre, & Fayre Water, and make þer-of cakys, and let hem be þinne Inow; þan kyte hem y lyke lechyngys, an caste hem in fayre Oyle, and fry hem a lytil whyle; þanne take hem owt of þe panne, an caste in-to a vesselle with þe Syrippe, & so serue hem forth, þe bryndonys an þe Sirippe, in a dysshe; & let þe Sirippe be rennyng, & not to styf.
Ja, det där kanske inte lät riktigt solklart. Men sidan håller sig med översättningar till hur man gör rätterna i modern tappning:
- 4 1/2 cups flour
- 2 cups sugar
- 1/2 cup (or more) cold water
- few drops yellow food-coloring
- 1/4 tsp. salt
- vegetable oil
- 1 bottle (750 mll) of an inexpensive sweet red wine
- 1 1/2 cups honey
- 1/2 cup red wine vinegar
- few drops red food coloring
- 1 tsp. each pepper, cloves, & mace
- 1/2 cup each chopped dates, currants, & pine nuts (or slivered almonds)
- 1 cup figs, diced
Simmer the figs in a little wine; set aside. Bring the wine & honey to a boil; reduce heat and skim off the scum until clean. Add the vinegar, red coloring, pepper, cloves, mace, fruits, figs, & nuts, return to a boil, then reduce heat to a low simmer.
In a separate bowl, mix together the flour, sugar, & salt. Dye the water yellow with a few drops of coloring, then slowly work into the flour enough of the water to make a smooth dough, similar to pie pastry. Roll out on a floured board, then cut in strips about 1 inch wide and 4 inches long. In a deep skillet or pan, fry the strips in oil until lightly browned and very crisp. Drain. Place the cakes on a serving platter, then spoon on the fruits & nuts, being generous with the syrup. The yellow cakes and the red topping make an interesting contrast in colors, and the wine will soften the cakes.
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