torsdag, april 13, 2006


Där dök det upp igen, ordet realm. Jag förstår ungefär vad det betyder, men jag har ingen riktig stenkoll.

Sitter och kollar upp lite svenska högtider på
Wikipedia. Läste om om majstången.

The Maypole is often considered a phallic symbol, coinciding with the worship of Germanic phallic figures such as that of Freyr. Potential other meanings include symbolism relating to the Yggdrasil, a symbolic axis linking the underworld, the world of the living, the heavens and numerous other realms.

Realm ja, bäst att kolla upp det ordet en gång för alla känns det som. Wikipedia säger:

  • A Realm is a primary synonym for a world usually other than our own. The word realm is often used in fantasy books or movies. Various theories have been supposed which used realms to explain how time moves.
  • Realm is also an old term still used as an alternative word for kingdom. It is particularly used for those states whose name includes the word Kingdom (for example, the United Kingdom), to avoid clumsy repetition of the word in a sentence. (For example, "The Queen's realm, the United Kingdom...".)
  • It frequently used to refer to territories "under" a monarch, yet not a physical part of his or her "kingdom"; for example, the various Commonwealth Realms under the British crown.

Såna här poster är ju inte så där jätteroliga, varken att skriva eller att läsa. Men ibland måste man vara nyttig också.
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3 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Det verkar rätt användbart. Realm.

Anonym sa...

Tja, jag vet inte. Men man ser ordet då och då.

sookie sa...

visst intressant!:)